weiblichMalmännlichediversMitbewohnerin oder Mitbwohner gesucht Unfurnished room in Kreuzberg with 3 lovely roommates

Anzeigennummer: 11881177


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Die WG:

  • 30m² Zimmer in 4er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 120m²
  • 4er WG ( 1 Frau und 1 Mann und 1 Divers )
  • Bewohneralter: 26 bis 32 Jahre
  • Berufstätigen-WG, gemischte WG, Internationals welcome
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Geschlecht egal

Angaben zum Objekt

sanierter Altbau

3. OG

Badewanne, Dusche





3 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Spülmaschine




We are looking for a new flatmate for our largest room in our wonderful flat in Kreuzberg.

The room will be free from March 15 (or maybe
1-2 weeks later) and we would first sublet the room for 4 months. After that, if everyone is happy, we will figure out maybe 2 month more!
The flat is huge and fully equipped: large kitchen, washing machine, dishwasher, cleaning helper. The room will be unfurnished (maybe some exceptions we will figure out in person).

You will be living together with Tobi and Jo and another Person which is moving in at the same time in an other room :

Tobi: l've been living in this flat for 3 years now. During the week I'm studying or working from home (mostly), that's why I'm home quite often.
Even though I like to spend my weekends going out, living healthy and doing sport is an important part of my life. As well as smoking pot here and there:)
In my free time I enjoy boozy brunch with my friends, working out, finding inner peace through meditation or cooking a large stir-fry, which I will eat over the course of the next few days.

Jo: I have been living in Berlin for about 4 years - still like it a lot, most days. I enjoy being cosy at home, especially in the mornings. But then I like to be out and about, if not running or boxing, with friends in a bar or the dance floor. I am working most days, mainly on my PhD. Fan of fries and Negroni - not necessarily together.
The WG is our shared home. We all enjoy a mix of calmness and liveliness. A typical Sunday afternoon can look something like this: doors are open, techno music is playing a bit louder, someone is getting tattooed, we are drinking coffee and chat about our week. Or, other times, we are all out and about until the evening and just enjoy some peace and quiet in our respective rooms.
We are big fans of respectful, open communication. If something is up, we like to address it earlier rather than later. And if we are planning on inviting a group of friends for a gathering, we like to let each other know in advance and also invite each other to join in.
We all work from home regularly. So there is a rather quiet vibe during weekdays, supporting each other to focus and get things done.

This is not just a place to sleep, but a place to live. We look after each other, and make an effort to support each other's well-being.
We care about keeping a clean and thriving kitchen that respects other flatmates' health requirements. For example, due to some allergies, we just must be more mindful about cooking and cleaning-up.
We share a few things like basic cooking ingredients, toilet paper, or cleaning supplies. So far it has been working well to take turns buying them intuitively.

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