🌟Fully furnished all-inclusive Room in Kreuzberg for 1 Women🌟

Anzeigennummer: 7903489


Sonstige Kosten:


frei ab:
frei bis:
aktuell vermietet


***RENT: from February 2025 till the 1st June 2025*** with possibilities to extend.

Dear future flatmate,

I am subrenting a bedroom in my apartment from now or 1st of March 2025 till the 1st June 2025, with possibilities to extend.

Its a cosy altbau two-person apartment, with two private bedrooms, plus a shared kitchen and bathroom.
You'll be sharing the space with me, Maria.
The layout of the apartment is ideal for a WG, with each bedroom positioned at opposite ends and the kitchen and bathroom centrally located.
The apartment has large windows and plenty of natural light.
It is located in one of Kreuzberg's best areas, it is very well connected (U1,U3,U7,U6)+ buses, and is surrounded by beautiful green spaces.

We can complete the Anmeldung after one month of living together. Just to confirm that everything works out as planned.
If you need it earlier, let me know.

Here's what you can expect from me as a flatmate:
It's important that we follow a few house rules to ensure everything runs smoothly (like for cleaning, visits...) and that we both feel comfortable. I value open communication, as well as a sense of trust, loyalty and safety.
Other than that, I’m pretty laid-back—I do my thing, you do yours. I’m kind and helpful and like to keep a positive vibe in the apartment.
If you're someone who tends to be a bit tense, I think that’s cute, but for living together, I prefer someone more relaxed.

If you're not in Berlin and need to reserve the room, we can arrange that through well known third-party provider who will handle the payments and all the logistics for a reasonable additional fee. In this case, no deposit will be required.

If you're interested in renting the bedroom, please send me a WhatsApp or SMS with:
1-your move-in and move-out dates.
2-let me know the reason for your stay in Berlin and a bit of your lifestyle
3-how you intend to pay for the room
4-a proof of financial solvency (proof that you can pay the room/ monthly)
5-if at the moment you are in Berlin or abroad and when will you be in Berlin
6-when are you up for a first call (day and time)
7-when are you up for a first apartment visit life (day and time)
8-your phone number

->Then you will get my reply in the next 48 hours.

I’m looking for someone to rent the room starting March 1st. If you’re planning to move in April or later, it would not be suitable...

Please, let me know if you have more questions. Also, I’m offering the room under these terms because I believe it’s the easiest and safest arrangement for both of us. However, if you have any constructive suggestions to help us reach an agreement, feel free to share. I’m open to exploring other options as well.

N.B.: I am a very liberal and inclusive person, but as a female, I feel more comfortable sharing my home with another woman.

Thank you for getting in touch.

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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 2er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 70m²
  • 2er WG
  • Frauen-WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt


4. OG






5 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt


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