weiblich     Social and happy girl looking for new flatmates


Amelie N. (, 29) sucht WG-Zimmer in Berlin . Ich spreche diese Sprache/n: Englisch, Französisch, Schwedisch

Gesuch online: 13 Stunden


Zeitraum: ab 01.04.2025
WG-Arten: egal
WG-Details: n.a.
Stadtteile: Charlottenburg, Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg, Mitte, Neukölln, Prenzlauer Berg, Schöneberg, Wedding, Weißensee, Wilmersdorf, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Gesundbrunnen, Moabit, Rummelsburg
Haustyp: egal
Einrichtung: möbliert, unmöbliert
Sonstiges: n.a.

Vorhandene Dokumente

Bonitätsnachweis Bonitätsnachweis
Ausweis/ID Ausweis/ID
Einkommensnachweis Einkommensnachweis
Mietzahlungsbestätigung Mietzahlungsbestätigung
Mieterselbstauskunft Mieterselbstauskunft
Immatrikulationsbescheinigung Immatrikulationsbescheinigung
Hausratversicherung Hausratversicherung
Haftpflichtversicherung Haftpflichtversicherung
Mietausfallversicherung Mietausfallversicherung

Weitere Angaben über mich


I'm moving to Berlin in the beginning of February. And right now I have a room for two months. Im looking for something from the 1 of April. I'm 29 years old and freelance as a costume designer for Swedish television. I've decided to try out new adventures since my partner also lives in Berlin. I'm going to study German for 6 months and then I plan to look for a job in the performing arts world to work as a costume designer again.

I am social and enjoy spending time/getting to know the people I live with. I think it's important for it to feel like "home." However, it's also important to understand that everyone has their private life and needs their own time. I am independent and find it easy to make friends on my own. But I enjoy having dinner and sharing a glass of wine with my housemates when there’s time.

I am a creative person who sews and paints. I'm social and enjoy various social settings and participating in the culture of the city I live in, going to concerts, hunting for treasures at flea markets, engaging with art, etc.

I hope someone here can see me as their new potential roommate. I’d love to have a video call or meet in person when I have moved so we can get a sense of each other.

P.S.: I love animals.
P.S: I have lived in a collective since I was 20 and have many references who can vouch for me

Talk soon! Amelie


Ich koche: mehrmals die Woche
Rauchen: n.a.
Ich bringe mit: n.a.


Sport: Joggen, Klettern
Musik: n.a.
Freizeit: Reisen, Konzerte, Kneipe, Freunde treffen, Kunst, Wandern


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