weiblichweiblichMalmännlicheMalmännlicheMitbewohnerin oder Mitbwohner gesucht sub rent until 1 May - big room in international WG

Anzeigennummer: 11851241


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Möchten Sie Einblick in exklusive Angebotsstatistiken erhalten? Mit WG-Gesucht+ profitieren Sie von exklusiven Zusatzfunktionen und sind Ihren Mitbewerber:innen so einen Schritt voraus.


Die WG:

  • 30m² Zimmer in 5er WG
  • 5er WG ( 2 Frauen und 2 Männer )
  • Bewohneralter: 20 bis 35 Jahre
  • Studenten-WG, Berufstätigen-WG, keine Zweck-WG
  • Sprache/n: Englisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Chinesisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Geschlecht egal

Angaben zum Objekt

sanierter Altbau

1. OG


gute Parkmöglichkeiten


The flat is between Schöneberg and Wilmerdorf, at the U7, U9 and not far away from Ringbahn. The room is located in a beautiful flat on the first floor of a historic building built before the First World War (ca. 1900). It has very high ceilings, parquet flooring & a lovely atmosphere, plus access to the balcony. The flat is really huge, so you have enough space for privacy.

However, your future flat mates are super nice :))

MEI (*2000):
Hello, I am Mei, 24 years old, from China. I am currently studying German at a language school and preparing to apply for a master's degree in philosophy in Berlin. My interests include hiking, camping, calligraphy, photography, Tai Chi, musicals and visiting museums. Favourite music: Kunqu opera, jazz, rock, classical music, musicals. Favourite reading: Philosophy, classical literature, poetry, drama, mysticism. Lifestyle: I like quiet environments, enjoy cooking at home and appreciate deep conversations. Tidiness and cleanliness are important to me.

❤ SALMAN (*1997):
I am Salmann 28 years young...studying and working part time in IT..Berlin is my home now. I enjoy the city life with all its possibilities. In my free time I like to be active in sports
I value a relaxed and respectful atmosphere. I am tidy and uncomplicated when living together. A good balance between community and privacy is important to me

❤ JULIA (*1982):
I'm Julia, I have a cute cat that lives in my room and I'm a designer and vegetarian. I speak several languages.

I moved out of the appartment already on 24 February and looking for someone for as soon as possible. The room will be free until 1 April 2025 (or some weeks later if you want).
I took most of my furniture but the basic stuff will be in the room :)

I will try to answer asap

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