MalmännlicheMitbewohnerin gesucht Looking for a lefty Mitbewohni in Kaskelkiez (S-Nöldnerplatz)

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Möchten Sie Einblick in exklusive Angebotsstatistiken erhalten? Mit WG-Gesucht+ profitieren Sie von exklusiven Zusatzfunktionen und sind Ihren Mitbewerber:innen so einen Schritt voraus.


Die WG:

  • 15m² Zimmer in 2er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 70m²
  • 2er WG ( 1 Mann )
  • Bewohneralter: 47 bis 47 Jahre
  • Rauchen auf dem Balkon erlaubt
  • Verbindung, keine Zweck-WG, gemischte WG, Vegetarisch/Vegan, LGBTQIA+, Internationals welcome, funktionale WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Frau zwischen 20 und 55 Jahren

Angaben zum Objekt


3. OG

möbliert, teilmöbliert

Badewanne, Dusche


Laminat, Dielen



2 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Balkon, Gartenmitbenutzung





(Ich würde sagen, dass meine Deutschkenntnisse völlig ausreichen, aber was meine Ausdrucksfähigkeit und tiefere Gespräche angeht, ist Englisch für mich immer noch die bessere Wahl.)

Dear future Mitbewohni,

Although I very much prefer to get to know people in person — over a drink and/or while preparing a meal together (perhaps after an initial video call, if you’d like) — I'll try to give a short-ish (for me) description of myself and the place to at least give you a feeling for whether or not you would want to meet up…

A couple of months ago, my Lebensgefährtin moved to Lübben, so she can spend more time in the woods, and concentrate more on building diverse and resilient forests (and, to a lesser extent, on trying to help establish a MeRA25 / anti-AfD presence there). For now, I'm city-bound and, so, part of making this possible involves finding a flatmate to move in with me. (Ideally, this would be an indefinite / dauerhaft thing, but initially, I imagine three or so months would help give us a good feeling for how well this might work...)

And while there are still a few things that I want to do (in terms of painting and minor repairs), depending on your needs and timeframes (and even budgetary constraints), this could all be talked about and explored together, to try and find something that works for you as well as me — especially if 80%+ fits and there's a strong yes (or 'hell yes' from everyone involved)...

(More-relevant) photos and a more detailed description to come but, basically, it's a ~70 sqm, well-lit apartment im 3.OG, in a quiet, but still very well connected 'Dörfchen' between Ostkreuz and S-Nöldnerplatz. It has two bedrooms — I imagine the ~15 sqm room (with a large Hochebene / -bett) would be yours, and the larger (maybe ~30 sqm) room being mine / the lounge room — and a pretty spacious kitchen and bathroom, and a balcony off the kitchen...

In the shorter-term, your room would be at least partially-furnished, but should this develop into something longer-term, we would, of course, be pretty flexible in terms of how fully- or partially-furnished things are (with the exception of the Hochbett).

(And as the apartment also kinda double as my (mostly-packed-away) Electronics / CAD/CAM / Chem / Microbiology lab, it probably has more shelves in it than your average (or certainly minimalist) WG but, like I said, things are mostly packed away, and if you know how to use things, you'd also be more than welcome to turn the place into a bit of a Laborgemeinschaft, too :cough:)

I guess I'm really not a huge fan of labels, but if I had to pick a few, they'd include: feminist; anarchist; 'probably quite far-left but currently in more contemplative and planning stages due to grief over what is to come and for my own heart's sake'; poly (formerly what one could, perhaps, describe as a 'poly slut*'); an appreciator of knowledge, elegant / efficient designs, and rationality; a combination of spontaneity _and_ longer-term thinking; End:Civ / DGR; queer-embracing; vegetarian / fregetarian (if that word exists?); and someone who tries to live by the principles of 'alles kann, nichts muss' / 'just because you can doesn't mean you _have to_', and who tries to co-create safer spaces...

My comfortable and privileged job in IT is what's currently paying the bills, but my current interests include: open source lower-tech; DGR / energy-descent / collapse-aware projects / 're-wilding' / 'becoming indigenous to place'; mycology / entheogens / biochemistry; myco-remediation, Permaculture, reforestation; getting closer to nature / basking in the sun at an FKK See; Körpertherapie / the more 'energetic' and healing kinds of touch / (probably also heading into certain 'occult practices' — we'll see) / SW; good horror and so-bad-they're-good B-Grade films; and G&Ts and Tempranillos.

And in terms of 'backgrounds' / for what it's worth, extraction-wise, I'd say I'm a 'functionally white', mixed European-Asian / migrant from Australia; and educationally, electronic engineering / computer science / maths with a bit of cognitive science / machine learning on the side...

Mostly, I want to say that if what I've written above has piqued your interest, then it'd be beautiful to hear from you (and / but to help with the 'pre-filtering', please write something which shows that you've actually read this profile — maybe tell me which of my current interests resonated with you the most, or what your favourite tree, mushroom or other 'relative' is); that said, given what I am exposed to 'during office hours', I also think a certain level of political engagement (current or previous, if you're currently needing to take a break to look after yourself) and objection to 'consumer '''culture'''' is also pretty important.

And, not without some mixed feelings, I guess that the other thing I would mention is that I am mostly looking for people who identify as women — while I have had some (really quite) nice experiences sharing homes with friends of all genders and 'socialisations', when it comes to people I've not already known for a few years, my experiences with men have consistently required quite a bit more work and have also had a different 'energetic quality', and at the moment, I feel like I want to dedicate more of my energy to my projects and learning the things I need to learn, in order to make them possible. (And so, you know, I might as well be open and honest about this...)

With that out of the way, like I said, in-person conversations are my favourite way of getting to know people, but I could also very much imagine an initial video-call if that'd be the easiest way to find a time that works for the both of us... And, you know, we can then share our thoughts, interests, hopes (or not) and dreams; we can talk about where we are in life and/or the projects that we're working on; we can share what we love about our favourite species of plants, fungus, birds or other non-human life; we can share our lamentations re the unavoidable consequences of global industrial civilisation; and the beauty and energy that can (still) come from the coming together of people when they're not actively trying to destroy life on this planet...

(And it is, still, just a glimpse into my world, but one of my 'things that have really touched, moved or inspired me' playlists is over at, should you be interested in that, too..)

Benötigte Unterlagen

Bewerbermappe Bewerbermappe itsmydata itsmydata oder SCHUFA SCHUFA
Sonstige Dokumente Happy to discuss options if we want to progress...
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