weiblich     I'm searching for subletting of a room for 3 months starting from April, possibly in all-female house

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Carla C. (, 25) sucht WG-Zimmer in Braunschweig (Rauche nicht).

Gesuch online: 13.02.2025


Zeitraum: 01.04.2025 bis 01.07.2025
WG-Arten: egal
WG-Details: Frauen
Stadtteile: Bienrode, Braunschweig, Innenstadt, Waggum
Haustyp: egal
Einrichtung: möbliert, Küche vorhanden
Sonstiges: n.a.

Weitere Angaben über mich

Hi, I'm Carla, an Italian student of 25 years old. I'm attending the last year of master degree in Computer Engineering and I'm searching for an house to share (maybe a subletting would be perfect since it's just for a short period of time) in Braunschweig starting from April and for 3 months (until the end of June), since I'll be there to do my traineeship at the DLR (German Aerospace Center).
I'm an adaptive and quiet person but also outgoing and extrovert. In my free time I like going out with friends, exploring new places but also reading, watching TV series and just chatting with people. I would like to share my evenings with the flatmates of the house, cooking together or just telling each other how the day went. Obviously, this is not mandatory, indeed I'm also a fan of quietness and privacy so if you're not really a talkative person we can just respect each others boundaries with no problem!
I really hope we can become flatmates and, why not, friends, soon! Don't esitate to contact me.
Sincerely, Carla


Ich koche: immer und gerne
Rauchen: n.a.
Ich bringe mit: n.a.


Sport: Joggen, Kampfsport, Klettern, Schwimmen
Musik: Rock, Klassik, Pop, Rock'n'Roll
Freizeit: Reisen, Konzerte, Kino, Kneipe, Fernsehen, Festivals, Freunde treffen, Shoppen


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