Schön, dass Sie da sind
Tran Viet Tien (, 29) sucht WG-Zimmer in Frankfurt am Main (Rauche nicht). Ich spreche diese Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch, Koreanisch, Vietnamesisch
Gesuch online: 20 StundenZeitraum: | ab 01.04.2025 |
WG-Arten: | Studenten-WG, gemischte WG, Mehrgenerationen, Internationals welcome, inklusive WG |
WG-Details: | egal (Geschlecht egal) |
Stadtteile: | Altstadt, Bahnhofsviertel, Bergen-Enkheim, Berkersheim, Bockenheim, Bonames, Bornheim, Dornbusch, Eckenheim, Eschersheim, Fechenheim, Flughafen, Gallusviertel, Ginnheim, Goldstein, Griesheim, Gutleutviertel, Harheim, Hausen, Heddernheim, Höchst, Innenstadt, Kalbach, Nied, Nieder-Erlenbach, Nieder-Eschbach, Niederrad, Niederursel, Nordend-Ost, Nordend-West, Oberrad, Ostend, Praunheim, Preungesheim, Riederwald, Rödelheim, Sachsenhausen, Schwanheim, Seckbach, Sindlingen, Sossenheim, Unterliederbach, Westend-Nord, Westend-Süd, Zeilsheim, Frankfurter Berg, Gallus |
Haustyp: | egal |
Einrichtung: | möbliert |
Sonstiges: | n.a. |
My name is Tien Tran, and I’m a 29-year-old graduate student from Vietnam. This April, I will be beginning my Master’s degree in Architectural Design at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences so I’m about to move to Frankfurt soon and I'm currently searching for a comfortable and affordable place to live.
I am a fun and kind person who loves engaging with people from different backgrounds. I'm passionate about language and cultural exchange, and I enjoy learning from others and sharing my own experiences. As an art lover and an aspiring architect, I appreciate creative and inspiring spaces. I am also eager to help those around me, ensuring a friendly and harmonious living atmosphere. I would love the opportunity to be part of a diverse and welcoming home.
I have experience in living together with others and know how important harmonious coexistence is. Cleanliness and respect are essential to me.
If you have the feeling that I could be a good fit for your shared flat, please feel free to contact me! I look forward to meeting you.
Ich koche: | mehrmals die Woche |
Rauchen: | stört mich nicht auf dem Balkon |
Ich bringe mit: | My personal belongings, a luggage and a desktop PC. That's all |
Sport: | Joggen, Fußball, Schwimmen, Tennis, Tischtennis |
Musik: | R'n'B, House, Jazz, Pop, Soul |
Freizeit: | Reisen, Konzerte, Lesen, Fotografieren, Freunde treffen, Onlinespiele, Kunst, Musik hören |