männlich    Single Room for an Erasmus+ Traineeship (april)

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F. Aloisi (, 25) sucht WG-Zimmer in Göttingen (Rauche regelmäßig auf dem Balkon). Ich spreche diese Sprache/n: Italienisch, Englisch

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Zeitraum: 01.04.2025 bis 31.07.2025
WG-Arten: Studenten-WG
WG-Details: egal (Divers - ab 20 bis 30 Jahren)
Stadtteile: n.a.
Haustyp: egal
Einrichtung: möbliert
Sonstiges: Tageslichtbad

Weitere Angaben über mich

I'm Federico, a student of the university of Trieste that will have to come back to Gottingen to attend an Erasmus traineeship post lauream after my master degree in Neuroscience. The traineeship will span from April 2025 to the end of July 2025. My budget is span from 300 to 450, euros. I'm looking for a furnished room, in a mixed house in which there may be already other erasmus people, or people who speak english. Although my parents cannot guarantee for me, i will be helped with an erasmus scholarship, so no worries. I consider myself a private person, notwithstanding the enjoyment of shared moments between flatmates. To me a serene and clean space is very important. Here in Trieste I previously was the main tenant of the house where i used to live, and even if i would not do that again, i know what commitment means. I would also love the possibility to do a videochat previously to sign any contract and to come in. Hoping to hear from you soon :)


Ich koche: immer und gerne
Rauchen: stört mich nicht auf dem Balkon
Ich bringe mit: Joy and my Italian cuisine culture


Sport: Joggen
Musik: R'n'B
Freizeit: Reisen, Konzerte, Kino


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