männlich    Accomadation for Erasmus student, between 15th March and 31st August. It needs to be atleast in walking distance to a train station since my universt is in Soest.

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Ahmet Barış Özel (, 21) sucht WG-Zimmer in Hamm (Rauche nicht). Ich spreche diese Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch

Gesuch online: 19.02.2025


Zeitraum: ab 10.03.2025
WG-Arten: Studenten-WG, Berufstätigen-WG, gemischte WG
WG-Details: egal (Geschlecht egal - ab 20 bis 30 Jahren)
Stadtteile: Mitte
Haustyp: egal
Einrichtung: möbliert
Sonstiges: n.a.

Weitere Angaben über mich

My name is Ahmet Barış Özel, and I am a third-year Computer Engineering student at IZTECH in Turkey. I will be coming to Germany as an Erasmus student to study at Fachschule Südwestfalen.
As this will be my first time in Germany, I may not be able to provide a SCHUFA (jetzt beantragen) report. However, I can provide my bank statements to confirm my financial ability to pay the rent.
I am 21 years old, a non-smoker, and have no health problems. In my free time, I enjoy reading fiction and fantasy novels, watching movies, and occasionally cooking. Since I will be in Germany for my Erasmus program, I am looking for a comfortable place to stay during my studies. I am comfartable arround pets as I also have a pet(cat named "Şirin") in my home.


Ich koche: mehrmals die Woche
Rauchen: stört mich nirgends
Ich bringe mit: at most two suitcases and a backpack


Sport: n.a.
Musik: Klassik, Punkrock, Rap
Freizeit: Lesen, Kino


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