weiblichweiblichweiblichMitbewohnerin gesucht Looking for a woman in our 4er WG

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Die WG:

  • 31m² Zimmer in 4er WG
  • 4er WG ( 3 Frauen )
  • Bewohneralter: 24 bis 25 Jahre
  • Rauchen auf dem Balkon erlaubt
  • Studenten-WG, Frauen-WG, Internationals welcome
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Türkisch Türkisch, Englisch Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Frau zwischen 20 und 35 Jahren

Angaben zum Objekt



Greetings! We are looking for a new roommate as Oana is moving out from December. The location is in Kirchheim bei München. The rent is 550 euro and the deposit is 1100 euro for 2 rentals. The rent does not include internet and TV radio tax. We also have a washing machine in the basement. We have a cute garden which we have a cup of coffee there.

The room to be vacated is located in the attic and is 31 m2. It is a very spacious and large room. It is very quiet as it is the only room on the floor. There are 2 bathrooms in the house and 4 people share 2 bathrooms. There is a white marble bathroom next to the room to be vacated. The house has 3 floors from the ground floor. We have a very big living room. Here we sometimes watch a match or a movie together. We think that the kitchen is equipped with everything you need (microwave, airfryer, coffee maker, oven, kettle etc.)

We have 3 women living at home and we are looking for a 4th woman. We are 2 turkish and 1 vietnamese. Beliz is Turkish and she is doing her master in informatics at TUM. Özge is Turkish and is doing her master in environmental engineering at TUM. Linh is Vietnamese and is currently writing her bachelor on Tourism Management thesis and will start her master at TUM. Unfortunately we cannot speak German except Linh. Therefore, it is important that the person who will come to the house can speak English.

From our house you can get to Hauptbahnhof by bus and S2, TUM main campus by bus and U2 and TUM Garchinge by 2 buses. The neighborhood is quiet and nice and safe. Our neighbors are very helpful.

What we expect from our new roommate is a communication that we can spend time together once in a while, but whoever wants can hang out in her room whenever she wants.

If you are interested please tell us a bit about yourself, preferably in English! Thank you :)

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