MalmännlicheMalmännlicheMitbewohnerin oder Mitbwohner gesucht M- Bogenhausen - Schöne Altbauwohnung um 1910 mit Holz-Dielen, großer Wohnküche, Sprossenfenstern -

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Die WG:

  • 16m² Zimmer in 3er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 90m²
  • 3er WG ( 2 Männer )
  • Bewohneralter: 23 bis 35 Jahre
  • Rauchen nicht erwünscht
  • Berufstätigen-WG, keine Zweck-WG, gemischte WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Geschlecht egal zwischen 19 und 49 Jahren

Angaben zum Objekt

Bedarfsausweis, Fernwärme, Baujahr 1910, Energieeffizienzklasse A+


1. OG


Badewanne, Dusche

DSL, Flatrate, WLAN 50-100 Mbit/s


Parkett, Laminat, Dielen



gute Parkmöglichkeiten

5 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Spülmaschine, Garten, Gartenmitbenutzung, Keller, Fahrradkeller




M- Bogenhausen - Schöne Altbauwohnung um 1910 mit Holz-Dielen, großer Wohnküche, Sprossenfenstern

Selbstverständlich darf sehr gerne auch auf Deutsch oder Englisch geantwortet werden.
Damit alle Interessenten die Anzeige lesen können, haben wir die Anzeige in deutscher und
in englischer Sprache verfasst.

Die Wohnung befindet sich in der Nähe zum Verkehrs- und Einkaufsknotenpunkt
Herkomerplatz in München-Bogenhausen.
FÜR DIE DEUTSCHE VERSION – Bitte nach unten blättern. Danke

Due Wohnung is located close to the transport and shopping hub of
Herkomerplatz in Munich-Bogenhausen.

You can answer us in English or German language - both is not a problem
A temporary rental is also possible.

Dear flatmates,

It concerns with the WG around altogether a 3-er WG.
So we're looking for a third friendly roommate.
The WG currently consists of a Consulter (male, 30 years), an IT Specialict (male)
( 28 years)).
All the roommates have studied before and are academics.
The apartment is located in the district Alt-Bogenhausen in the east of Munich within the Mittlerer Ring.
It is a quiet middle-class residential area.
The complete flat and the kitchen are high-quality furnished.
Modern kitchen appliances / Ceran stove etc., as well as all cooking utensils, are available
No transfer fee or any obligation to buy or hidden costs for the furniture or its use.
The underground U4 stop Richard-Strauß Str. (green line direction Arabellapark) and the Herkomerplatz with its many bus and tram lines are also only about 5 minutes away.
The street is surrounded by residential streets with free parking spaces.
A parking meter or parking permits are not required.
Unlimited free parking is therefore no problem.
The apartment is located in a quiet and green residential environment.
The apartment has been renovated and is state of the art.
V-DSL Internet 50 Mbit/sec.
Cable TV connection.
Formerly GEZ ( are also included in the rent
The English Garden and the Isar can be reached by bike in only about 10 minutes.
The Isar floodplains are ideal for jogging and sports.
The "Denninger Anger" - an ideal jogging park is also only a 10-minute walk away.
The apartment has a bathroom with shower and tub.
Bathroom and toilet are separate and there is an extra toilet.
Bicycle cellar, laundry room, drying room are also available.
WIFI / WLAN Internet / Telecom V-DSL /

Shopping facilities (ALDI, REWE, Roßmann drugstore, bakery, Hofpfisterei, BIO shop (BioVolet) basic organic shop, pubs, are only 10 min walk away.

Bogenhausner Forum = many shopping possibilities
Furthermore, there are in immediate proximity (walking distance):
HypoVereinsbank Branch
Arabellapark Fitness Studios
Commerzbank branch
Savings bank branch
medical center
stationery / lottery / tobacco shop
Fruit and vegetable shop
Fish shop
near English Garden, Isarauen and Chinese Tower (approx. 5 minutes by bike)
The Odeonsplatz and Munich city centre can also be reached by bicycle in approx. 15 minutes on a cycle path directly through the English Garden.
Public transport from Herkomerplatz:
U4 stop Richard-Strauß Str. (green line - direction Arabellapark)
Tram 16 Romanplatz or St.Emmeram (and N16- Nachtline)
Tram 18 Gondrelplatz - St. Emmeram
Bus 154 Arabellapark or Bruno-Walter-Ring - Bus 187 Arabellapark or Nordbad
Bus 54 Münchner Freiheit or Lorettoplatz
Bus 187 Westerlandanger or St.Emmeram or Daglfing Bahnhof West -
Bus 188 / 189 Fichtenstraße or another direction Unterföhring
Bus 144 Ackermannbogen or Giesing
Bus 59 Ackermannbogen or another direction Giesing Station / Giesing main train Station

Night lines N42; N44 (More information and highly recommended
Just have a look at the apartment.
We attach great importance to a neat and clean living environment.
There's a cleaning lady in the apartment.
The WG is very well suited for interns or employees of Park Hilton Munich, Swiss Re, HypoVereinsbank.
Due to the many hotels at Arabellapark the WG is also very suitable for hotel employees and interns (Park Hilton, Sheraton The Westin Grand München).
Due to the short distance for employees in Schwabing, Lehel, at Rosenkavalierplatz

Wie oben bereits erwähnt, es darf selbstverständlich gerne auch auf deutsch geantwortet werden :-)
Vielen Dank.

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