weiblichweiblichweiblichweiblichweiblichMalmännlicheMalmännlicheMitbewohnerin oder Mitbwohner gesucht Available from the 1st of May: Cozy room with balcony in a friendly, international WG!

Anzeigennummer: 11821575


Sonstige Kosten:


frei ab:
10 Stunden


Hello! I am about to leave Munich after my studies, and I am searching a new person to take my room and join my wonderful WG! We are a group of 8 international, friendly people, all living in a 3-stories house.
Since we all come from different countries our main language is English, even though most of the people living here have a basic knowledge of German. Although 8 people might sound like a lot, the house is typically quiet, as everyone studies or works, and we tend to have different schedules on a day-to-day basis.
Nonetheless, we do like spending time and doing activities together from time to time, so we are looking for someone that is looking forward to join a WG with a friendly spirit :)
If that's you, feel free to send us a message about yourself, and make sure to write what's your favourite cuisine, so that we know that you've read this! The minimum duration of the contract is 6 months, and the maximum duration will be up to you.

A bit about the house:
The house is located in Laim, 5 mins away from two U5 stations. It's a 3-stories house, with a ground floor, a basement, an upper floor and an attic where we can store our stuff. We also have a garden where we have BBQs and gatherings during Spring/Summer. The shared areas of the house include the kitchen, two bathrooms and a laundry area where we can wash and dry our clothes.

The room we are offering is about 20m2, is located in the ground floor and comes furnished with a bed (140x200) and a large wardrobe.
On top of this, I can leave for a small price some IKEA furniture that I had purchased, including:
A large L-shaped desk, 6 drawers, two KALLAX libraries.
If you want to bring your own stuff that would be also no problem, just let us know (we have a big attic where we can store suitcases, unwanted furniture etc).
The room also has a spatious balcony, with a table and two chairs to chill in the Spring/Summer.
The monthly rent is 760€ and includes everything (GEZ, internet, electricity, water and heating), so, there are no additional costs. The caution amounts 1.5x the monthly rent (1140€) and will be returned at the end of the contract if everything is in place.

That's all from our side, we are waiting to hear from you!

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Die WG:

  • 20m² Zimmer in 8er WG
  • 8er WG ( 5 Frauen und 2 Männer )
  • Bewohneralter: 19 bis 26 Jahre
  • Studenten-WG, Berufstätigen-WG, keine Zweck-WG, LGBTQIA+, Internationals welcome
  • Sprache/n: Chinesisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Italienisch, Türkisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Geschlecht egal zwischen 18 und 30 Jahren

Angaben zum Objekt



Badewanne, Dusche


Waschmaschine, Balkon
Angebote in der Umgebung einblenden

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