weiblichMalmännlicheMalmännlicheMalmännlicheMalmännlicheMalmännlicheMalmännlicheMitbewohnerin oder Mitbwohner gesucht Tiny furnished room in a huge house with a garden

Anzeigennummer: 9115790


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Die WG:

  • 6m² Zimmer in 8er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 300m²
  • 8er WG ( 1 Frau und 6 Männer )
  • Bewohneralter: 20 bis 40 Jahre
  • Rauchen nicht erwünscht
  • gemischte WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch, Tschechisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Geschlecht egal

Angaben zum Objekt




Badewanne, Dusche


gute Parkmöglichkeiten

Waschmaschine, Spülmaschine, Terrasse, Balkon, Garten, Gartenmitbenutzung


A tiny, separate, furnished ROOM with a garden view
The room is available: the contact of the current tenant terminates end February, he might prolong ???
The adress: Jihovychodni VII. 11, Praha 4, Zaběhlice
General FB Fotos: (18) Facebook, Milena Hruba, Vila Liana
The connection: metro C, Roztyly
Bus Nad Pahorkem 135,136, 170,213 (night bus)“
Look at: https://idos.idnes.cz/vlakyautobusymhdvse/spojeni/
You will rent: a small separate and furnished room and common areas of the house- lockable, furnished room facing to the garden, on the ground floor
Facing to the garden
Furnishement: entrance- shoe shelfs,
Kitchen: oven, dish washer, coffee machine + dishwasher
Bathroom with a shower, WC, washing machine and dryer
Room: a wooden wardrobe, Hochbett= built in bed, small desk, chair, gas heating
It is probibited to smoke in the room, in the house
It is probibited to have parties in the room, in the garden and in the house
Visitors must be announced to the others (max 1 person staying overnight)
Everybody has its „area of responsibility“.
There is a cleaning lady for the common area 1-2/month
What is not included in the price: bedlinen, blankett, pillows- it could be provided for 1000 CZK
cleaning means for the room
up to the agreement- final cleaning 1000 CZK
Price: rent with all fees 8500 CZK (ca 400 EUR)/ 12 month contract, shorter after agreement
Price: rent with all fees 10 000 CZK (ca 500 EUR)/ shorter period, minimum 5 months
The rent is paid via bank tranfer from a Czech bank account in Czech crones, or in cash paid to the owner
It is always paid till 10. for the next month (example 10.2. for March)
Reservation = 1 rent
Refundable deposit: 400 EUR = Arrival- in cash – deposit in EUR= 400 EUR
Liability Insurance – please write to me whether your insurance cover Liability for Abroad, send me a document
Lease contract- in English, it will be sent after the first payment
Other tenants on 3 floors, (ground floor- 3, first floor 3, roof floor 2 poeople) - 7 international people, working and studying in Praha, people who like tidiness, quiet, respect and green environment, we have a whatsup group for information exchange
Reservation- one month rent
I will confirm and start to prepare the contract, send me your ID via Whatsup
I will send you the Lease contract
Room handover- deposit 400 EUR , please bring the confirmation of the insurance, keys and room handover

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