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I will not be cooking as much in the coming months. I am completing my Thesis writeup and would mostly be in the lab out of the house. I am looking for a place that has good internet and continuous warm water supply and is furnished. The place should have a washing machine f...
I will not be cooking as much in the coming months. I am completing my Thesis writeup and would mostly be in the lab out of the house.
I am looking for a place that has good internet and continuous warm water supply and is furnished.
The place should have a washing machine for clothes and an oven.
Rental period is from 01.10.2023 to 29.02.2024. with a possibility to extend for 3 months.
Ich koche: | n.a. |
Rauchen: | n.a. |
Ich bringe mit: | n.a. |
Sport: | n.a. |
Musik: | n.a. |
Freizeit: | n.a. |
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