Need a room for the accommodation

Ich suche derzeit keine neue WG oder Wohnung

Zeitraum: n.a.
Zimmeranzahl: n.a.
Stadtteile: n.a.
Haustyp: Neubau
Einrichtung: n.a.
Sonstiges: n.a.

Weitere Angaben über mich

My name is CHITIKELA ANAND, and I have a keen interest in renting the room located on the Freiberg in Germany. I am 22 years old and am currently living in Andhra Pradesh, India. From the first of April, I will be studying MMT at the University of TU bergakademie freiberg , which is why I am looking for a new home in Freiberg, Germany.

I am particularly interested in the room for renting out because of the nearby amenities, and the relatively short commute to the university of TU bergakademie. I believe I would be the perfect tenant because, even though I enjoy socialising, I like my home to be a peaceful place.
Thank you very much for considering my rental application. I would like to arrange a meeting to view the home in person and meet the other tenants. I look forward to hearing from you.

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