Apartment für drei Monate gesucht!!!

Ich suche derzeit keine neue WG oder Wohnung

Zeitraum: n.a.
Zimmeranzahl: n.a.
Stadtteile: n.a.
Haustyp: egal
Einrichtung: n.a.
Sonstiges: n.a.

Weitere Angaben über mich

hello !!!!

(first of all: sorry for my bad english :-( )
we (david and eva) are looking for a big room,two small rooms or apartment in göteborg from 1.9-30.11 . (3 months)
nonsmoker, quiet and nice .. :-)
we like to cook , make a lot of sport, i dance also tango .
if you have something for us, please , we are happy for all offers. because in göteborg finding an apartment seams to be not so easy :-(

greetings from karlsruhe

eva and david

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