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Hallo! My name is Yanheng (24 years old, male) and I will move from Zürich to Saarbrücken for my PhD at Uni Saarland. I'm looking for an apartment with bathroom and kitchen from October (the date is flexible). Ideally the apartment is furnished. I do not have specific preference on location, as long as it is within 30 minutes to Uni by bus.
I would describe myself as an open yet quiet person. I respect my neighbour's personal space, but I'm also happy to share my baking from time to time :) In my free time I also like reading, hiking and occasionally cycling.
Since this is my first time living in Deutschland, I do not own a Schufa (jetzt beantragen) certificate. However, I can provide other supporting documents, e.g. records of my rental payments in Zürich.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact me!
Thank you and all the best,
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