Big and beautiful window view, good location near Mauerpark-!!Please read the description!!

Anzeigennummer: 10979157


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 2er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 50m²
  • 2er WG
  • Frauen-WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt


1. OG


5 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt



Hello, my roommate is moving out at the end of this month, so I am urgently looking for a girl to live together from 1st of May.

Basically this flat has 2 rooms, 1 living room and 1 bed room, also 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom and a balcony. Actually it’s ideal for 1 person or a couple, but i can’t afford the rent by myself so I would like to share this flat with someone else. The location of this apartment is really good. It takes 2 mins by walk to the Mauerpark and 5 mins by walk to the U Bernauer Straße station. Also 2 mins by walk, there’s a M10 tram station as well.
If you move in, you are going to use the living room. It has less privacy but It’s bigger than the bedroom and has a big window, so the view is really beautiful in Summer especially. About the privacy matter, I’m gonna do my best to respect you of course. We also have a balcony. You can chill here with the sunlight and read a book if you want. It’s a really chilling place in this flat.

We will be doing 3 months contract first so that we can see how we work together, and then continue.

Additionally I’d like to tell you about me shortly. I am from South Korea, 25 years old. I’m currently having a part-time job and also applying for Master’s degree programs related to chemical engineering in Germany. I am really easy-going person. I have lived in WG a few times so I know how to respect my flatmate and handle the apartment together. I can speak English, Korean and a bit of German. I’ve been studying German for a year, and I really want to improve my German level. It’s not necessary but it would be really nice if you can speak German well haha. I would love to maybe do something with my roommate, for example cooking, taking a walk, or partying. My current roommate and I became really good friends, so we did so many things together and I loved it. However of course this is not necessary, we can do it only if you also want :)
Also you can bring your friend of course, but just please ask me in advance so that I can be prepared. I will of course ask you as well. But no one night stands please! Cause it’s really like living together:)
I like partying sometimes but partying in this flat could be hard, but just a gathering is completely okay. Plus, this apartment is not a complete WG, so even if you have to be away from this apartment because of long traveling in stuff, having a zwischen tenant is not possible.
I will let you know more details when I get your contact. Please write ‚cookies‘ just for me to know that you have all read this text completely.
Thank you so much, I will be waiting for your message! :)



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