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(English Below)
We are Rodrigo, Marcy, Magnus and Amrit from the beautiful South Piece and are looking for a new roommate from 01.06.2025 as Rodrigo moves into his own apartment.
To the room:
Rodrigo's bedroom is located on the second floor of our duplex apartment and is about 15 m2. On this floor there are also Amrits rooms as well as a small bathroom with toilet, sink and shower.
On the lower floor there are the rooms of Marcy and Magnus, the kitchen, a larger bathroom with toilet, sink and bathtub as well as a spacious hallway with staircase.
Hey there,
We are Rodrigo, Marcy, Magnus, and Amrit from beautiful Süd-Pieschen, and we are looking for a new roommate starting June 1st, 2025, as Rodrigo is moving into his own apartment.
About the room:
Rodrigo’s room (in the attic) is located on the second floor of our maisonette apartment and is about 15 m2 in size. On this floor, you’ll find Amrit’s room and a small bathroom with a toilet, sink, and shower.
Downstairs, there are Marcy and Magnus’ rooms, the kitchen, a larger bathroom with a toilet, sink, and bathtub, and a spacious hallway with a staircase.
(English Below)
Wir sind Rodrigo, Marcy, Magnus und Amrit aus dem schönen Süd-Pieschen und suchen ab dem 01.06.2025 einen neuen Mitbewohner*in, da Rodrigo in seine eigene Wohnung zieht.
Zum Zimmer:
Das freiwerdende Zimmer von Rodrigo (Dachgeschoss) befindet sich in der zweiten Etage unserer Maisonette-Wohnung und ist etwa 15 m² groß. Auf dieser Etage befinden sich auch Amrits Zimmer sowie ein kleines Badezimmer mit Toilette, Waschbecken und Dusche.
In der unteren Etage gibt es die Zimmer von Marcy und Magnus, die Küche, ein größeres Badezimmer mit Toilette, Waschbecken und Badewanne sowie einen geräumigen Flur mit Treppenhaus.
Hey there,
We are Rodrigo, Marcy, Magnus, and Amrit from beautiful Süd-Pieschen, and we are looking for a new roommate starting June 1st, 2025, as Rodrigo is moving into his own apartment.
About the room:
Rodrigo’s room (in the attic) is located on the second floor of our maisonette apartment and is about 15 m² in size. On this floor, you’ll also find Amrit’s room and a small bathroom with a toilet, sink, and shower.
Downstairs, there are Marcy and Magnus’ rooms, the kitchen, a larger bathroom with a toilet, sink, and bathtub, and a spacious hallway with a staircase.
The WG is located in South Piece. Oschatzer Straße and Liststraße stops as well as Pieschen S-Bahn Station are within a 15-minute walk. Supermarkets, drugstores, restaurants, public transport, late ice and clubs are not far away.
The apartment is in South Piece. The tram stops Oschatzer Straße and Liststraße, as well as the Pieschen S-Bahn station, are all within a 15-minute walk. This means supermarkets, drugstores, restaurants, public transport, Spätis (late-night shops), and clubs are all close by.
Die WG befindet sich in Süd-Pieschen. Die Haltestellen Oschatzer Straße und Liststraße sowie der S-Bahnhof Pieschen sind in weniger als 15 Minuten zu Fuß erreichbar. Dadurch sind Supermärkte, Drogerien, Restaurants, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, Spätis und Clubs nicht weit entfernt.
The apartment is in Süd-Pieschen. The tram stops Oschatzer Straße and Liststraße, as well as the Pieschen S-Bahn station, are all within a 15-minute walk. This means supermarkets, drugstores, restaurants, public transport, Spätis (late-night shops), and clubs are all close by.
To us:
Marcy is close to the completion of her studies and the entry into professional life. In her spare time she is very creative – be it by painting pictures to embellish our halls, designing own clothes or planting different food plants such as salads, herbs, vegetables and even avocados.
If she does not work on projects or her bachelor thesis, she is a lot on the go, cooks or relaxes.
Magnus is already firmly in the professional life and spends his spare time with quiz and game evenings, a round of football (with stable goal shot and injury balance), NFL finishes or vegan cooking. He also likes to be musically active.
Amrit is currently in a semester of illness during her studies and is expected to return in the winter semester. It starts many projects – more than it ends weekly – and is currently a lot on the go. In June, she probably won't be in the WG.
Since Marcy and Magnus are planning to work together with their respective partners between summer and autumn of this year, you can participate creatively in the further development of the WG.
About us:
Marcy is in the final stretch of studies and about to enter the working world. In her free time, she enjoys being creative – whether it's painting to decorate our hallways, designing her own clothes, or growing various edible plants like lettuce, herbs, vegetables, and even avocados.
When she’s not working on projects or her thesis, she’s often out and about, cooking, or relaxing.
Magnus is already fully immersed in working life and dons his free time enjoying quiz and game nights, playing football (with a solid goal-scoring and injury record), watching NFL games, or cooking vegan meals. So he’s musically active.
Amrit is currently taking a medical leave semester from university and will likely resume studies her in the winter term. She starts a lot of projects – more than she finishes each week – and is traveling a lot. In June, she probably wants to be in the apartment.
Since Marcy and Magnus are planning to move in with their respective partners between late summer and autumn this year, you’ll have the opportunity to help shape the future of the WG however you’d like!
Zu uns:
Marcy steht kurz vor dem Abschluss ihres Studiums und dem Einstieg ins Berufsleben. In ihrer Freizeit ist sie sehr kreativ unterwegs – sei es durch das Malen von Bildern zur Verschönerung unserer Flure, das Designen eigener Kleidung oder das Anpflanzen verschiedener Nahrungspflanzen wie Salate, Kräuter, Gemüse und sogar Avocados.
Wenn sie nicht an Projekten oder ihrer Bachelorarbeit arbeitet, ist sie viel unterwegs, kocht gerne oder entspannt.
Magnus ist bereits fest im Berufsleben und verbringt seine Freizeit mit Quiz- und Spieleabenden, einer Runde Fußball (mit stabiler Torschuss- und Verletzungsbilanz), NFL-Abenden oder veganem Kochen. Außerdem ist er gerne musikalisch aktiv.
Amrit befindet sich derzeit in einem Krankheitssemester während ihres Studiums und wird voraussichtlich im Wintersemester wieder einsteigen. Sie beginnt viele Projekte – mehr, als sie wöchentlich beendet – und ist aktuell viel unterwegs. Im Juni wird sie wahrscheinlich nicht in der WG sein.
Da Marcy und Magnus planen, zwischen (Spät-)Sommer und Herbst dieses Jahres mit ihren jeweiligen Partner*innen zusammenzuziehen, kannst du dich gerne kreativ an der weiteren Gestaltung der WG beteiligen.
About us:
Marcy is in the final stretch of her studies and about to enter the working world. In her free time, she enjoys being creative – whether it's painting to decorate our hallways, designing her own clothes, or growing various edible plants like lettuce, herbs, vegetables, and even avocados.
When she’s not working on projects or her thesis, she’s often out and about, cooking, or relaxing.
Magnus is already fully immersed in working life and spends his free time enjoying quiz and game nights, playing football (with a solid goal-scoring and injury record), watching NFL games, or cooking vegan meals. He’s also musically active.
Amrit is currently taking a medical leave semester from university and will likely resume her studies in the winter term. She starts a lot of projects – more than she finishes each week – and is currently traveling a lot. In June, she will probably not be in the apartment.
Since Marcy and Magnus are planning to move in with their respective partners between late summer and autumn this year, you’ll have the opportunity to help shape the future of the WG however you’d like!
Die Miete für das Zimmer beträgt ca. 301€, die Kaution liegt bei 345€.
Falls du noch Fragen hast oder wir dein Interesse geweckt haben, schreib uns gerne – dann kannst du die WG besichtigen und uns kennenlernen!
❗️- Haustiere können bei uns leider nicht einziehen.
🚫 Kein Platz für Intoleranz, Rassismus, Sexismus, Queerfeindlichkeit oder jegliche menschenverachtenden Ideologien und Einstellungen.
The rent for the room is approximately €300.01, and the deposit is ().
If you have any questions or if we’ve sparked your interest, feel free to reach out – you’re welcome to come by, check out the WG, and meet us!
🚫 No place for intolerance, racism, sexism, queerphobia, or any inhumane ideologies or attitudes.