

Selina Hehl, Urban Elite


Urban Elite is a thriving co-living startup committed to solely hosting ambitious successful young professionals aged 21-35 within European Tier A cities. The primary focus of Urban Elite clearly lies in the provision of prompt communal cohesion inspired by sophisticated communities throughout Europes metropolises. Simply spoken, our goal is to ease the integration of our clients in European Tier A cities by not only providing them furnished luxurious rooms in prime locations, but also by giving them direct access to a like-minded community. Renting a room with us can be compared to joining a selective membership club. Our clients will directly be integrated in an elite circle of bright and ambitious young individuals. This will not only be fostered by our clients very own personal co-living space, but also by wholistic community networking events that Urban Elite conducts on a monthly basis.

Anzeigen des Anbieters

URBANELITE.COM // No deposit! (no Kaution) // All inclusive furnished luxury room in Nordend District!!

Hegelstraße, Frankfurt am Main Nordend-West

3er WG | 25 m² | 699€

URBANELITE.COM // No deposit! (no Kaution) // All inclusive furnished modern room at Opera Square!

Opernplatz 8, Frankfurt am Main Opera Square

3er WG | 15 m² | 799€

URBANELITE.COM // No deposit! (no Kaution) // All inclusive furnished luxury room at Opera Square!

Opernplatz 8, Frankfurt am Main Opera Square

3er WG | 20 m² | 1000€

URBANELITE.COM // No deposit! (no Kaution) // All inclusive furnished modern room with couch at Opera Square!

Opernplatz 8, Frankfurt am Main Opera Square

3er WG | 30 m² | 1100€