weiblich     Seeking for cheerful community 🌈

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Lena (, 31) sucht WG-Zimmer in Tübingen (Rauche nicht). Ich spreche diese Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Gesuch online: 3 Tage


Zeitraum: ab 01.02.2025
WG-Arten: Frauen-WG, Berufstätigen-WG, keine Zweck-WG, gemischte WG
WG-Details: egal (Geschlecht egal)
Stadtteile: Denzenberg, Derendingen, Gartenstadt, Lustnau, Nordstadt, Österberg, Südstadt, Waldhäuser, Wanne, Weststadt
Haustyp: egal
Einrichtung: möbliert, unmöbliert
Sonstiges: Garten, Balkon, Terrasse, Spülmaschine

Weitere Angaben über mich

Hello everyone,

My name is Lena and I am looking for a room in a nice community/ shared flat in Tübingen ideally from February on. I am flexible with the dates as well as with the rent type, anything more than 6 months is fine.

I am 31 years old and have lived in different communities and shared flats before. I enjoy being surrounded by inspiring, open minded and respectful people with whom I can share responsibilities and joys. A certain amount of cleanliness and tidiness is natural and important to me. I am a fan of constructive and direct communication and the mutual respect of boundaries.
I like and enjoy company as much as I enjoy time on my own.

My passion is vegetable growing, so if there is a garden or balcony to grow some nice veg, amazing, no worries if not. I work one day per week on the field for the community supported agriculture (Solawi) in Tübingen in exchange of fresh, local and saisonal vegetables, which I am happy to share.
Besides, I like physical activities such as dancing, running, surfing, yoga and creative activities as for example sewing, knitting, handicrafts and cooking.
I like the freedom to have no plans, feminist books, exploring new things, colors and the feeling of sunshine in my face. I have a care dog which I regularly take for walks.
Last but both least, I work part time, mainly from home, to owe my living.

If you have the impression I could match in your community/ flat share, I am happy to hear from you.



Ich koche: mehrmals die Woche
Rauchen: stört mich nicht auf dem Balkon
Ich bringe mit: * A green thumb * Regional organic vegetables * Respectful behaviour * Joy to be part of a community


Sport: Joggen, Radfahren, Schwimmen, Skateboarden, Surfen, Tanzen, Tischtennis
Musik: Alternative, Indie, Pop, Reggae, Rock'n'Roll
Freizeit: Reisen, Konzerte, Lesen, Freunde treffen, Kunst, Meditieren, Wandern, Yoga


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