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Senioren-WG: Wohngemeinschaft und Putzplan statt Altenheim?

Eine Senioren-WG wird als Alternative für das Wohnen im Alter immer beliebter. Doch auch in einer Senioren-WG gibt es Zoff um den Putzplan und Konflikte. »

Senioren-WG: Für zwei von drei Senioren das optimale Wohnkonzept

Senioren finden in einer WG Gemeinschaft und Selbstständigkeit. Das WG-Leben hat so viele Vorteile, kann aber auch einige Schwierigkeiten mit sich bringen. »

Azubi-WG: Entspannter Start in den Beruf dank toller Mitbewohner

Das Leben in einer Azubi-WG bietet den Bewohnern zwei Vorteile: Kostenersparnis und Spaß. Wichtig sind die Zusammensetzung der Bewohner und die Lage der Wohnung. »

Business flatshare: Co-living as an alternative for job nomads

The business flatshare is one of the newest flatshare types. It addresses professionals between the ages of 20 and 40 who do not stay in the same city for long. »

Workers-only flatshare: "Students-only" is all past now

Due to its many advantages, living in a flatshare is also popular among professionals. The individual organization of the flatshare live depends on the inhabitants. »

Mixed-gender flatshare with men and women: A good balance

In a mixed-gender flatshare women and men live together in one apartment. Many flatshares prefer the mix of both genders living together and therefore keep the balance. »

Flatshare: the balance between individuality and community

A flatshare connects individual and communal life. Today, living in a flatshare is much affected by students and working people. »

Co-Living: The modern Flatshare

Co-living is an inspiring and comfortable form of living that has adapted to the requirements of a modern society and world of work. »

Flatshare-types: an overview of the different types of flatshares

Flatshare-types and forms are as different as their inhabitants. You can find an overview of the different types and their inhabitants here. »

Organizing a flat viewing: What you need to know

During a flat viewing you can find out, whether an applicant meets your expectations. Learn here how to organize an apartment viewing. »